
Roots and Reefer Episode 2: Sentimentality in Cannabis Cultivation with Arianna Pascoe

Roots and Reefer Episode 2: Sentimentality in Cannabis Cultivation with Arianna Pascoe

Lead Grower at The Source shares her cannabis cultivation journey.

On this episode of Roots & Reefer: “It was two months in, and she just flourished. And not only did I give her attention every day, I would walk in every morning and be like, ‘You are a queen.’” — we're interviewing Ari Pascoe, lead grower at The Source.

A cartoon version of a woman with white skin and silver hair and pink glasses next to a woman with brown skin and big, black hair. The women are wearing earrings in the shape of marijuana leaves, and the text, Roots and Reefer is in the green, yellow, red, and black background.

This is Roots & Reefer, your source for education, inspiration, and destigmatization. 

[Wendy]: I'm Wendy Love Edge.

[Rochelle]: And I'm Rochelle Bradshaw. 

Rochelle, we made it to episode two.

[R]: Hey, some of them didn't believe in us, but God did. 

[W]: Always. What have you been up to? Anything exciting? 

[R]: Yeah, for sure. I've been playing some music. I'm getting ready to go on tour. And I've been harvesting. 

[W]: Nice. 

[R]: So weed and music, that's my life.
[W]: They’re kind of intertwined because you're not just touring. You're touring with Stephen Marley. 

This is true, and I'm not just harvesting. We're harvesting In The Flow.
[W]: Yes, right. Boutique cannabis. Craft cannabis.

[R]: Craft cannabis, only the best. We've got some Peach Crescendo, Donny Burger, Danky Kong, just good stuff.
[W]: I saw your photo on The Source website, and on the new app, and you were tending to the plants. 

So what do you do in the grow part of the operation?

[R]: First of all, I am humbled. I’ve never been a part of that process before. So what I do, I'm not only a patient consultant at The Source. I'm helping to tend to our babies in the grow. So from start to finish, I'm an assistant. I don't know anything about growing weed, okay? [laughter]
[W]: But you’re learning. And that’s a beautiful thing that The Source takes talented people, and you start off doing one thing, and they realize you have other talents and interests, and embrace that, and their employees. You don't see that very often.

[R]: No, you do not. We love The Source, and I'm not just saying that because I work there. 

It's a great environment, and the one thing that’s the most important thing that I take away from working there is the educational part.

lt is stressed, and I love to learn. We're constantly learning more about cannabis, and its properties and all that good stuff, so we can impart that on our patients and help them to make better choices. 

[W]: And you get to be around the plants. I think one of the things that I loved about touring The Source when we were formulating this podcast and thinking about it was visiting the grow because I don't get to do that anymore. I'm from Massachusetts, and was really a big part of the growing industry there. I was excited to see full legalization come in. 

I was one of the first people that held card only events in Massachusetts. There was opportunity to do that, and also to spend time with the plants. I don't think people understand what that feels like. I don't know if I can even describe it. It just hits your heart and you feel connected to them.
[R]: It's true. It's just like when you have your little garden in your backyard. I love going out, talking to my garden and singing to my plants. 

[W]: Well, we have a wonderful guest. I can't wait to learn more about growing today.
[R]: Oh, yes. She's my friend and co-worker, and I love her to death. 

[W]: Her name is Ari Pascoe, and she's one of the lead growers at The Source.

This is episode two. We are calling this episode "Sentimentality."

[W]: Joining us now is Ari Pascoe. Ari was born and raised in Northwest Arkansas, although neither of her parents are from here. She has a bachelor's in Human and Environmental Sciences, and she is one of the three lead growers at The Source. Welcome to the show. Ari,
[Ari]: Thank you so much for having me.
[R]: Welcome, Ari.

[W]: It's so great to have you here. 

[R]: So, the big question: 

Why cannabis? Why are you in this industry?

[A]:  Well, just like probably all of you, I started kind of young, as far as partaking. [laughter] So I enjoyed it from a young age, but I also grew up seeing how much it helped my grandfather. He struggled with just about any ailment you could possibly have: Lyme disease, cancer, degenerative disc disease. He used it as medicine, and I always saw how pain relieving it was for him, but also how happy it made him because when you live a life full of pain, it can really just bring you down. It's hard to be happy when you're constantly feeling that, and that was one thing he was; he was constantly happy, jovial, and in good spirits all the time. 

[W]: Well, what a great foundation for you to see that it truly is medicine. 

So in your role at The Source, what does a day look like? What do you actually do there?

[A]: So, we have a small staff, which I love, and we're all very close, which I love. We all do everything. The more executive type work but also the more hands in the dirt, hard labor type work, too. I love that because everyday, it is something new; it doesn't get monotonous. 

Portrait of two women dancing in an indoor, boutique cannabis grow room at The Source Cannabis Dispensary, Grow, and Lab in Rogers, Arkansas. The women are smiling while dancing. Behind them are several tall cannabis plants ready for harvest.

First thing I do when I get there is take a deep breath, and just really take it in because I just I love what I do. 

I'm super appreciative and grateful for being there. My favorite thing to do, as far as growing goes, is the watering. It's peaceful. We will go into this little sidenote: there's a study that I'm super interested in that I've learned about where there's been research done where if you put intentions into water, it holds it. 

Water is a conduit, so it holds energy. 

So what you put into it, it holds it, and it nourishes what you then put that water into, whether it's yourself. I'll do this at home with my Brita. For myself when I drink it, and for my guests when they come over and drink it. There's love and intention put into that. And there's been research done on it, which it's really fascinating. 

I tell all my co-workers, if they're mixing the nuts (nutrients) that day, that's an ingredient as well. Then, as we water, that's my thought the whole time. So if I come into work in a bad mood, because of outside of work issues, it's really meditative for me, and I know for all my co workers, it's a very meditative process.It clears my mind

[W]: I was thinking that the watering itself is a meditation, so I love that you care so much about your intentions. It shows in the medicine. I said already earlier in the episodes, how much the quality is so much better in this boutique brand, In The Flow, than I've seen anywhere else in Arkansas. 

[A]: I love to hear that, and I really hope that that's why. [laughter] Well, genetics has a huge part. We are so grateful for the genetics we get from In The Flow, from our consultants out of Colorado. 

[W]: Wonderful. 

Portrait of a woman hanging a large plastic bin full of large marijuana stems and leaves on a scale that hangs from a chain. The woman is inside of an indoor, boutique cannabis grow room at The Source Cannabis Dispensary, Grow, and Lab in Rogers, Arkansas.

So you start watering and then what do you do next? What's the rest of the day like?

[A]: Watering is usually what happens first, whether it's veg or flower depends on the light cycle. We prefer when the lights first come on, that's when you water because then they have the whole day to kind of soak that in. At night, they don't drink as much. Watering is usually one of the first things we do, mixing our nutrients, then watering. 

Then there's so many other little things that go into it, like vacuuming the drip pans, setting everything up and taking everything down, as far as the hoses and the pumps, and everything like that. But day to day other tasks, refilling reservoirs for the water, which takes 11 minutes per res, and we’ve got eight of them, so it takes a while. 

We like to multitask, so we'll start filling a res and then we'll run and trim.

Or we'll start filling the res and then we'll clean up something that we made a mess of. There's just so much that goes on constantly, and because I have such a great team, we're really good at working with each other and around each other. 

Other things we do, we adjust par, which is the light intensity. 

Picture shows a woman and a man holding scissors and carefully trimming marijuana plants, it’s Ari Pascoe and her co-worker Jonathan Thompson. They’re inside of an indoor, boutique cannabis grow room at The Source Cannabis Dispensary, Grow, and Lab in Rogers, Arkansas.

As they grow bigger, stronger, older, they need more intense light. 

We change spectrums on the light, depending on the cycle that they're in. We
do so much.

[W]: So you're caring for the plants really throughout the day.
[R]: Checking the air quality and all that.
[A]: Constantly. The biggest thing too is there's so many environmental factors. Another reason why I love my job, what keeps it so exciting and fun, is there's constantly obstacles arising. We fix one thing or we figure out what this problem is, and we're like, “Yes!” We're rejoicing. Then as that's happening, there's something else going on that we soon realize, but it's fun. 

I've never done this before. I've always wanted to, ever since I was super young. This has always been kind of a passion and dream of mine.

[R]: You just wanted to grow weed. [laughter]

[A]: Yes, that’s all I ever wanted, all I ever wanted in life. [laughter]

That's another reason why I'm so grateful. It has been a dream and a goal for so long, and just to manifest it and to have people around me to support me to get me to this point. It's a dream come true.

[W]: Fantastic.
[R]: Do you want to tell us about one of your favorite strains that we grow [by] In The Flow? I know, we grow high terpene strains. Let me ask you that again. 

What is a high terpene strain?

[A]: Terpenes are the aromas, the repellents, or the attractants in a plant. There's lots that go into the nutrients you give them or the attention you give that will make those be more excessive. And genetics also is a great part of it. 

So they'll secrete oils, and you can visibly see that, but you can also, absolutely, physically feel that. Some strains if you're up pruning, which is picking the [dead] leaves off that are clogging up certain areas, your gloves or your hands will stick together at some point, quickly. Depending on the cycle too, and the stage that it's in, towards the end of flower, you touch one leaf, your fingers are sticking together. 

So coconut oil is a great way to immediately remove that and lubricate and nourish and moisturize your skin.

[R]: Perfect. 

Portrait of three people from the waist up. A woman wearing a baseball cap stands in the middle with her arms crossed, and on both sides of her stand two men. All three people are smiling. In the foreground and background, marijuana is hanging to cure at The Source, a boutique cannabis grow, dispensary, and lab in Northwest Arkansas.

So which one is your [favorite strain]?

[A]:  My favorite strain so far — it changes, depending on who I am that day or how I'm feeling that day or my environment, my surroundings, but so far, I guess I have two. 

Donny; I love the sensation of Donny. Being super high THC, it kind of made me nervous at first. A lot of the time really potent, really high THC products can make me really shaky, a little jittery, and it's not my favorite type of feel. Even though overall I feel great, but just a physical symptom of that for me, I can get a little jittery. 

So I was a little nervous to try Donny, but it did the absolute opposite for me. I was just like, “whoa.” I'm not used to that. When you have low expectatio–, not even low expectations because I didn’t have low expectations, but going into it thinking, being a little anxious about it and getting a complete opposite result. It made it even better.

[W]: It took you by surprise.

[A]: Yeah, [it was] super relaxing, super social. I love indicas; they kind of work adversely for me than they do a lot of people so they make me energized and social and excited and happy.

Sativas tend to kind of, not bring me down but kind of make me lag or make me tired. 

[W]: Everybody's different.

[A]: That's something we stress, too, because I was a budtender for the first couple of years. 

That was something I always reiterated with patients is that we are all so unique. 

Our chemical makeup, our endocannabinoid system, are so unique to us; none of us are the same. At all. No one on this planet is the same, everything is different about us. So the way we react to these chemical reactions is a complete different experience than anyone you know, which is special.
[W]: So that's one of your favorites. And you have another one.

[A]: It is. I would say there's more sentiment, there's more emotion when it comes to the strain, Modified Grapes. That was actually the first strain I tried of ours. I chose to try that first for sentimental reasons. 

We had one of our plants in our first round, one of our first clones of Modified Grapes was a runt, and she would not grow. 

So we supervise; we veg for three months so we've got time to grow. And she was not growing. Everyone else was like, “Well, we don't necessarily need her; we could just toss her.” I was very adamant about why. I’m like, “We only have 50 right now, and we can only flower and harvest 50 plants at a time.” 

“There's no reason; we don't have to get rid of it. It's not like we have too many plants.” So I put my foot down. They're great at listening to me. [laughter] I’ve got those boys wrapped around my fingers. 

So she was a runt, and she didn't grow for two months in veg. 

She did not grow, but all of her sisters grew around her. So I would raise her higher and higher. I'd put pots underneath her to raise her because we still want her to meet the same par, the same light intensity. I would raise her as her sisters grew, and it was two months in, and she just flourished. 

Not only did I give her attention every day, I would walk in every morning and be like, “You are a queen.” Comparison kills; you can't compare yourself to anybody else, and it's hard not to, just human nature. So I would constantly remind her that, “Your sisters, they are queens as well. But just because they've grown and they're robust and stronger doesn't mean that you don't have all these other values and virtues.” 

Every morning, we had affirmations together. And it wasn't just me. One of our co-workers, Brandy also completely nurtured her as well. She didn't work in the grow at the time, but she would make it a point to come back there, if not every day, every other day, just to join in on the affirmations. 

Then two months in, she flourished. 

It got to the point where she actually was, don't quote me, but I think she was the heaviest when harvest came, as far as wet weight, but she was also the tallest. I know that for a fact she was the tallest. Everyone was like, “This is crazy.” 

[W]: You should never underestimate the power of positive thinking and nurturing. The fact that she came in with more challenges, but she rallied.
[A]: As women do; women struggle through a lot. We know we go through a lot. I chose her to be the first strain of ours that I smoked, and it was just an overpowering, overwhelming experience. I smoked it at home by myself; it was just, we like to use the word, sentimental.

So is the grow organic? Can you say you're creating organic products?

All the nutrients we use are, as far as I know, as organic as you can get. We use really high grade nutrients. All the sprays we use are organically derived concentrates from other plants and such. There's a lot of rules and regulations about what you can spray and what you can't spray, and we do strive to be more organic, more sustainable, eco friendly kind of products because we all prefer that. The food we eat, we'd rather be organic, not sprayed with all these crazy pesticides. Similar thing. 

[W]: Yeah. People are ingesting this essentially. Right? 

[R]: And it’s medicine. 

Image shows marijuana fresh after harvest hanging from metal rods at the stem to cure and dry in The Source Cannabis Arkansas’s cure room facility in Rogers, Arkansas.

So Ari, I know, us, we at The Source, in the grow, we call ourselves a boutique grow; what does that mean?

[A]: Boutique cannabis allows us to grow on a more intimate level. We have less plants; we're not mass producing like most cultivations do in most states. We have the opportunity to grow to a smaller scale, and that kind of allows us to be more intimate, more hands on, more sentimental. [laughter]
[W]: You have time to nurture the runts.
[A]: We’re not rushed, so we do super veg. We've got three months in veg. An average normal way of growing: it’s two months veg, two months flower. We, three months veg, sometimes longer. If things need to be pushed back, we have that ability to do that, and it just grows stronger, bigger, happier plants. It's just a lot more one on one. We have that ability to build relationships with a smaller group of beautiful ladies.

Would you say we have better flower?

[A]: Well, yeah. [laughter] I think that we can all agree that that is the case.

[R]: I think so. I think Wendy will agree with you.

[W]: I agree.  

[A]: At the same time, going back to when you grow your own vegetables in your own garden, it's a different taste, a different nourishment.
[W]: It was so disappointing when the initiative with grow was not passed in Arkansas. But it really warms my heart to know that you're so nurturing and caring. Your team must be, as well.

So at least we know, when we go to The Source, we're getting something similar to what a home grow would be like, where you're really nurturing the plants and care about them and then using the medicine for yourself. 

I don't think that legislators really understand the value in that, the medicinal value. But at least we really have the next best thing with you running this grow.

[A]: Thank you so much. Yeah, I'm honored to be able to provide this experience for people I love and for our patients. I truly am honored.
[R]: I second that. I like to call our flower…, I tell people we do “farm to table,” right? We do farm to table, and we don't hold on to it for too long. We harvest; you're gonna get it soon.
[A]: I want to add one thing to Rochelle: I love you. You are my queen, and having you back there helping us, I'm so grateful for it. I know that our plants love you. We both agree that talking to your plants is important. 

My grandma told me that my whole life; she ingrained it in me. When I watch you in there, I watch you sing to them; I watch you dance with them. I love it, and I know that they do, too. I admire you and  it’s such joy to have you back there when you're able to.
[R]: Thank you, and I am so proud of you, just watching you grow in the grow. [laughter]

[W]: Well, do you have anything you'd like to add for our listeners that they might want to know about the grow process or the plants or anything that you'd like to add?
[A]: Just that we all put so much into this and to hear their feedback, it's really important to us. Come get on our website, post reviews, whether they're good or bad. We like the feedback. And we listen and we take that to heart. If there's something you're unhappy with, we want to know, so we can work around that or figure out how to fix a problem. Grow with you, for us, and as well as positive feedback because positive affirmation is good for all of us. 

[W]: Thank you so much for joining us. 

[A]: Thank you so much for having me. This was a lot of fun. 

[R]: Thank you so much. 

May The Source be with you!

It's time for a truth nug.

Is my information private with the Arkansas Department of Health in the medical marijuana section? 

Yes, it is. Your information is protected, medical information. It is private, 100%. Not even law enforcement can obtain this information. They only are able to see that you have a card, not what you've bought, not how much you've spent. None of that; Everything is private.

Photo depicts Arkansas Roots & Reefer educational cannabis podcast hosts interviewing grow lead at The Source Cannabis Dispensary and boutique grow, Ari Pascoe, sitting around a wooden table at a home in Northwest Arkansas. Behind the three smiling women are large windows giving us a view of a lush summer forest.

Rochelle, I think it's time to go to work.

[R]: Is it time to smoke?

It's time for a strain review.

[R]: I think I want to try this one with Ari. I know you have some sentimental connections to this strain in particular, and we want to get into that as we toke.
[W]: Yeah, so it's called Modified Grapes, and this was one of the plants that you nurtured, right? The runt. 

Close up picture of bright green and yellowa trimmed marijuana bud surrounded by the tastes and terps that it embodies: cloves, rosemary, parsley, and a a slice of lemon.The items are portrayed on a white background. This marijuana bud is of the cannabis strain Modified Grapes, which has genetics from In The Flow Boutique Cannabis, and it is grown in at The Source Craft Cannabis Company in Rogers, Arkansas.

[A]: The runt, yes. The baby in the group. 

[W]: So Modified Grapes has caryophyllene, limonene, and myrcene. It's an aromatic blend of grape, honey, and berries, and delivers an uplifting, creative, and social high. Should we do it?

[A]: Let's do it. 

[R]: Let’s get social guys. 

[W]: Hmm, that's a really light flavor. It's funny because it says it's really aromatic, but I'm getting a very light flavor that I can't fully describe really. What do you think, Ari? 

[A]: So you're gonna like this answer because I have this, I don't know, “condition,” where it all tastes like pretzels to me. 

[R]: Whoa. Do tell.

[A]: It has always been like that, since the moment the first time I smoked. I just don't get the flavor. So I guess I'm not a connoisseur because I don't taste it. I don't know. I can't smell very well either so I think that correlates with taste. I mean, I can definitely smell our strains because it's undeniable.
[W]: I really taste the limonene, but it's very light.What do you think, Rochelle?
[R]: I agree with you that the limonene stands out to me, like a super light citrus undertone. But I’ll  tell you what, when we're harvesting the Modified Grapes, which we did a few days ago… the fragrance. This thing smells grapey.
[W]: I do not taste grape. Do you taste grape?
[R]: Maybe it's the paper. I just did. Pull a little harder. 

[W]: When I put my tongue on the roof of my mouth, I get more flavor. Probably because I'm getting the aroma from my nose, right? When I press my tongue up there. When I do that, I do get a hint of grape. Just a hint. It's interesting, though, because they're so aromatic when they’re growing. 

[R]: Yes, they are like that. And this one is an indica-dominant hybrid, 80/20 I believe. But tell us about… you mentioned your story about a little runt. What was her name? I’m sure you gave it a name. 

[A]: So her name is and will always be Susie. I don't take credit. It's actually Brandy, one of my co-workers. And it's spelled “S-I-O-U-X-I-S-E.”

[R]: Like the Sioux. Did you smoke, Siouxise?

[A]: I did. [laughter]

[W]: You cut her down and you smoked her.

[A]: She was honored to give herself to us.
[R]: She was wonderful. So to get to our delightful, lightly flavored Modified Grapes, we crossed Purple Punch with GMO, and GMO cannabis is not what you think; it's not genetically modified. It is garlic, mushroom, onion or GMO cookies. Or garlic cookies. 

[W]: You learn something new every day. I did not know that, and when I ever would see GMO on a strain, it was a turnoff to me.
[R]: Same here because I just assume that it was genetically modified, which beer are genetically modified strains, but this is not one of them. Because, In The Flow, we don't grow like that. 

The Source Team

January 7, 2025

Too High or Not High Enough? Here's what to do

Too High or Not High Enough? Here's what to do

Working with medical cannabis as a budtender at The Source cannabis dispensary in Rogers, I encounter situations with cannabis users from all ends of the spectrum. Some people are new to smoking and want the medical benefits from the cannabinoids found in cannabis but worry about getting too high, while other people have been using cannabis since they were young and now cannot reach that desired medicated level. 

After two years of working at The Source, the feedback that I get from our patients has taught me more about cannabis than anything else. Below are the best ways I have learned to balance both ends of the spectrum: how to overcome being too high and also how to get that stoney feeling again from cannabis when you don’t feel like you can get high anymore.

A young budtender, Eli Hanna, sits behind a glass wall working on a computer wearing blue rubber gloves. The phone number for pharmaceutical consultations on medical marijuana is posted on the glass alongside a menu for Wavelength Extracts premium vape cartridges.
Our dispensary offers pick-up and delivery. We are also happy to chat with you online through the chat function on our website.

What to do when you have consumed too much THC 

Consume too much cannabis, and now you are too high? Let's get you grounded. 

Common symptoms of consuming too much THC are anxiety, increased heart rate, nausea, and paranoia.

The first thing to remember is that you are okay. You cannot overdose on cannabis or use too much THC. Drink water, preferably cold, or splash some on your face to shock your endocannabinoid system and help ground you. Staying hydrated will also allow your body to flush the cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC for short) from your system, while getting rid of the cotton mouth you're most likely experiencing, allowing you to relax.

Take a run or a walk

One great way for your body to detox THC from your system quickly is through sweating. If you can, go outside for a run or walk; activity will help tremendously! If you cannot do physical activity to detox the THC quickly from your system, another option is through hot baths or showers; this will work just as well.


Several cannabis products appear close up in the frame, including a Wynk cannabis infused beverage, several boxes of Wana gummies with high CBD content and a tincture by Natural State Medicinals.
We offer several products high in CBD, including seltzer, sub-lingual troches, and gummies.

An excellent option for mellowing your high from too much marijuana use is consuming the cannabinoid CBD. Keep CBD products on hand for those times when you ingest too much cannabis. Getting CBD into your system is the surest thing you can do to even out your high. CBD will decrease the euphoric effect caused when you consume marijuana while increasing the medical benefits of the plant, creating homeostasis in the body and mind. 

If you notice you may be too medicated from THC and only have CBD edibles (edibles are processed through the liver, therefore taking longer to take effect) on hand, don't worry. Chewing an edible longer and allowing the CBD to absorb through the sublingual glands in your mouth will make the effects onset quicker.

Explore terpenes derived from botanicals too

Eat foods with balancing terpenes

Other options are available to help balance your high besides the cannabinoid CBD. The aromatic oils you smell off your cannabis, known as terpenes, are also helpful in combating the sensation of being too high.

The terpenes found in cannabis can also be found in other everyday things. When searching for a calming, uplifting effect, the main terps to look at are caryophyllene, limonene, and pinene.

They terpenes caryohpyllene, limonene, and pinene can help bring you down when you are over-medicated.

Caryophyllene is found in natural ingredients such as black pepper, clove, oregano, and cinnamon. This terpene interacts with the same cannabinoid receptors as some antidepressant medications. If you have any of these items with caryophyllene, eating them will help provide anxiety relief and a more clear mind.

Limonene is found in citrus, such as lemon and orange rinds. Studies show limonene affects the brain’s serotonin system, giving you a more elevated mood and decreased anxiety. Drinking lemon water or fresh orange juice can help give some stress and anxiety relief.

Pinene is a terpene found in pine needles, rosemary, dill, basil, and parsley. Researchers found that pinene can counteract THC-induced anxiety. With these items, you can eat or just smell them to combat the overwhelming feelings you are experiencing. Taking a deep breath of pine needles, or even a pine essential oil, will help you feel calmer, with a clearer mind. 

Take a nap

If none of these options do the trick, napping for a few hours is a great way to help yourself calm down. Being too high from smoking cannabis can be scary and overwhelming, but you are not alone. We have all been there, and I promise you, you will get through it and be okay.

What to do when you cannot get medicated enough

A young budtender wearing an In The Flow boutique cannabis hat stands between a couple of rows of jars filled with cannabis flower. Six jars on top, seven jars on the bottom, the jars display a wide variety of cannabis strains with varying THC percentages.
Be sure to check out the strains that we grow in house, like
Donny Burger and Peach Crescendo.

Many cannabis consumers feel it doesn't matter how high the THC content is; they just can’t seem to get high like they used to. Although the THC content of the plant is not the only thing that gives you the euphoria and effects you receive, THC does tend to be the deciding factor for individuals who have grown a tolerance to most of their cannabis consumption. Losing the ability to get high is a common occurrence for several reasons. Luckily, there are numerous ways to help keep your THC level low for as long as possible.

Begin with low THC levels

If you are new to consuming cannabis, have just undergone a detoxification process, or just want to keep your tolerance low, you do not need to be searching for the cannabis strain with the highest THC percentages. Start with cannabis strains with lower THC percentages, like 12%-16%. Low-testing THC strains provide just as much relief as high-testing strains, like 25% or above, because of the entourage effect, meaning when you get something lower in THC, you are gaining medical assistance from all properties the cannabis plant has to offer, giving cannabis users a better effect of each terpene and cannabinoid.

Mix up your timing and strains

Try and mix up your cannabis use schedule from day to day. Studies have shown that consuming cannabis at the same time every day will increase your tolerance, especially during that time. Since cannabis use is connected to your endocannabinoid receptors, every aspect of your life while consuming it will have something to do with how your high affects you.

For example, you can experience two different highs with the same cannabis strain based on whether you woke up feeling sluggish, skipped breakfast, and consumed inside versus if you woke up feeling good, ate breakfast, and consumed outside.

Let's say you have a cannabis strain that you love, and you exclusively consume that strain. Consuming the same strain, particularly at the same time of day, will cause your tolerance level to build very quickly to that specific strain. Your tolerance level builds quickly to that strain because your CB1 and CB2 receptors can grow a tolerance to the specific terpene profiles of a cannabis plant.

Mixing up what strain of cannabis you consume is an excellent way to keep your THC tolerance low. Even if it is a similar strain, having a slightly different terpene profile will allow your receptors to open up to these other cannabinoids.

Experiment with a new consumption method

Another great way to keep your tolerance low is by using different consumption methods. There are many different ways to consume cannabis nowadays, making mixing up your consumption methods easier. You can change how you consume medical marijuana however you want to because each individual’s body is so unique and processes differently that there is no right or wrong way. It is a trial and error process until you find what works for you, whether with edibles, topicals, trans-dermal patches, and sublingual products, or dabs, flower, and cartridges.

Take a break to reset those receptors

If you’ve been smoking for years with no break, unfortunately, sometimes a tolerance break will be the only way to reset those receptors. Typically, your THC tolerance level takes around 48 hours to decrease. For a complete THC detox, however, the average person needs to take at least a 21-day break from consuming cannabis with THC.

Five jars of cannabis sit on a shelf in front of a bright sign that says "The Source." The cannabis strains in the jar are brightly labeled: Donny Burger, Peach Crescendo, Cake N' Chem, Oreoz, and Chemmy Jones, all produced by In The Flow boutique cannabis.

Be sure to check out the strains that we grow in house! Click to shop In The Flow Boutique Cannabis!

About The Source cannabis dispensary in Northwest Arkansas

The Source Cannabis – Arkansas is a craft cannabis company located in Rogers, Arkansas just off Exit  85 on Interstate 49. We produce and dispense In The Flow Boutique Cannabis and Wavelength Extracts vape cartridges. We value education, quality, friendliness, and inclusivity.

The Source Team

January 7, 2025

Top Cannabis Strains: Popular Weed Strains To Try in 2024

Top Cannabis Strains: Popular Weed Strains To Try in 2024

Another year has flown by; 2024 is here and it's crazy to think how far the cannabis industry has come since medicinal use was first legalized in California in 1996. 

2023 was an amazing year for the cannabis industry. As more states across the nation legalized adult cannabis use and the negative stigma around weed continues to diminish, more and more people are enjoying the therapeutic benefits of this magical plant. 

Whether you are new to cannabis or have been consuming it for years, there is no denying how overwhelming it can be when you are trying to choose a weed strain when there are over 700+ strains out there. 

Let us help you with that. 

We’ve compiled a list below of the best strains of weed to try in 2024. From indica strains to sativa genetics, here are the best cannabis strains to look out for this year.

Best weed strains for the sativa lover

Who doesn’t love a good wake-n-bake sesh? Sativa-dominant strains are perfect for the cannabis consumer who likes to get up and go. 

Lemon Berry Candy OG by Natural State Medicinals

Lemon Berry Candy OG

A hybrid strain with the best properties of sativa genetics, Lemon Berry Candy OG is perfect for energizing the body and mind. It sparks creativity and focus in its users, making it beneficial in treating medical marijuana patients with ADD/ADHD, depression, and fatigue.

Our favorite cultivator growing this strain is Natural State Medicinals, located in White Hall, AR. With their dedication to cultivating high-quality, pharmaceutical grade cannabis, NSM’s Lemon Berry Candy has started to make waves amongst Arkansans with its invigorating effects and enticing citrus aroma.

Lemon Skunk by In The Flow

Lemon Skunk

A sativa-dominant hybrid strain like no other, Lemon Skunk is a highly potent strain great for any time of day. With intense cerebral effects that uplift and focus the mind and its soothing body-high that doesn’t couch-lock, Lemon Skunk is the perfect pick for helping relieve symptoms of chronic pain, depression, fatigue, and nausea.

At The Source, we began cultivating a high-testing cut of Lemon Skunk provided to us by In The Flow in 2023. With multiple batches testing at over 30% THC and a strong terpene profile, it’s clear that this sativa-dominant hybrid is one of our small grow’s best performers. Lemon Skunk is the loudest, skunkiest strain in the building! Trust us — you won’t want to miss this sativa strain each time a new harvest drops, because it sells fast!

Lilac Diesel

With a slight sativa dominance, Lilac Diesel is a fragrant cannabis strain that induces a powerful cerebral high immediately upon exhale. An intense focus overcomes the mind, while a warm tingle spreads throughout the body, inducing hunger in its users. Lilac Diesel is not for inexperienced cannabis users and may help in treating chronic pain, depression, insomnia, migraines, and nausea.

Lilac Diesel is another sativa-dominant hybrid by In The Flow that we grow in-house in our own boutique grow at The Source in Rogers. Another high tester, this strain of weed shows off in our touchy-feely, craft batch grow room. 

Alleviate stress with these hybrid strains

Hybrid strains are perfect for the cannabis consumer who loves the properties of both indica strains and sativa strains. 

Desert Lime by Carpenter Farms

Desert Lime

Considered to be a balanced hybrid, Desert Lime is excellent for uplifting and motivating the mind. Although it can produce a heavy relaxation in the body, users of Desert Lime report feeling giggly, social, and energized, making it an excellent strain for relieving symptoms of anxiety, depression, and fatigue.

Interspecies Erotica by Carpenter Farms

Interspecies Erotica

Interspecies Erotica is another balanced hybrid with all the best parts of indica and sativa genetics. Users of this highly potent cannabis strain report feeling an increase in appetite and tingly euphoria that hits both mind and body, making this hybrid strain beneficial in treating chronic pain, depression, fatigue, and nausea.

Both Desert Lime and Interspecies Erotica were brought to Arkansas by Carpenter Farms located in Hot Springs. Our budtenders are huge fans of these exotic hybrid strains! 

Luxar Dos

Fairly new to the cannabis scene, Luxar Dos shows a slight sativa-dominance and is a great weed strain for a lazy day as it produces a heavy euphoric effect that quickly progresses into a powerful body high. With its intense effects and tendency for high THC levels, Luxar Dos is beneficial for helping medical cannabis patients with anxiety, chronic pain, depression, insomnia, and stress. 

Indica-dominant strains that induce relaxation

Time to go to bed! Enjoy these indica-dominant hybrid strains that allow the mind and body to relax, soothing it into a peaceful, sedative state.

Afghan Kush

The real OG. Afghan Kush is a Mazaar landrace weed strain, meaning cannabis would not be the same today without it and other landraces like it. A classic indica strain, Afghan Kush produces the typical effects that have come to be known for indicas and is extremely sedative, affecting more of the body than the mind. It is a perfect strain for helping relieve symptoms of anxiety, chronic pain, insomnia, loss of appetite, and PTSD.

Glitter Bomb

A delicious cannabis strain that is quickly gaining a following, Glitter Bomb produces an uplifting high that relieves the mind of racing thoughts before settling in the body, making its users completely immobile. Perfect for a late night smoke sesh, Glitter Bomb may help relieve symptoms of anxiety, chronic pain, depression, and insomnia.

Glitter Bomb was first brought to Arkansas by TICAL when they partnered with BOLD Team from Plant City, AR. Since its debut, it has enticed cannabis consumers, with other cultivators like River Valley Relief also producing the popular indica leaning strain. 

Royal Wedding by Revolution Cannabis

Royal Wedding

A mood-boosting indica-dominant hybrid, Royal Wedding is a popular strain of weed amongst budtenders for its euphoric and couch-locking effects. Best for use in the evening or at night, Royal Wedding may help medical marijuana patients suffering from chronic pain, depression, insomnia, and lack of appetite. 

A favorite of several of our budtenders, Revolution Cannabis cultivates this sweet, cake-y strain to perfection, with it consistently producing a higher than average THC level. This is one indica strain you won’t regret buying.

Blackwater by Natural State Medicinals

BONUS Indica Strain — Blackwater

Beloved for its fruity dankness, Blackwater is an indica-dominant hybrid strain that slowly creeps up on its users before melting down the entire body for a classic head-to-toe euphoric high. Medical cannabis patients who suffer from appetite loss, chronic pain, insomnia, and multiple sclerosis may find Blackwater beneficial in relieving their symptoms caused by these conditions. With its heavily sedating effects, Blackwater is recommended for late-night consumption as it can cause mental cloudiness and detract from productivity.

Natural State Medicinals is currently the sole producer of this fragrant strain of weed in Arkansas. It’s no surprise that they hit the ball out of the park with this one, as well.

Start 2024 on a high note, and try these awesome cannabis strains for a truly elevated year!

ICYMI: Most popular weed strains of 2023

In 2023, most cannabis consumers stayed consistent with wanting marijuana strains that are high testing in THC and the best bang for their buck. But for the many who look at more than THC when shopping for weed, they stayed true to the classics. 

Take a quick look back at some of the most popular cannabis strains of 2023 that you don't want to miss!

Scott’s OG

A highly potent strain, Scott’s OG is an indica-dominant strain recommended for consumers with a high tolerance. Known for its powerfully sedating effects, Scott’s OG produces a strong body-high and has shown potential therapeutic benefits in helping with chronic pain, insomnia, and PTSD.


Known in most states as Girl Scout Cookies, Cookies is a cannabis strain that is beneficial to medical patients suffering from headaches or migraines, nausea, and a lack of appetite. It produces a cerebral effect that invigorates the mind along with full-body relaxation that is body-numbing and hunger inducing.

Donny Burger

A powerful indica-dominant hybrid, Donny Burger produces an uplifted, giggly effect in its users, with mild sedation. Perfect for use any time of day, medical cannabis patients find Donny Burger to help with anxiety, chronic pain, depression, and inflammation. 

Blue Dream

Extremely popular amongst cannabis users worldwide, Blue Dream is a sativa-dominant strain whose effects hit both body and mind. A motivating cerebral high sparks focus and creativity while a mellow physical-high work its way through the body making it an excellent strain to help relieve symptoms of ADD/ADHD, anxiety, headaches or migraines, inflammation, mood disorders, and PTSD.

Pineapple Express

Pineapple Express is a sativa-dominant strain that produces a chill, enjoyable high that sparks creativity and laughter in its users, while relaxing them with a mellow body-buzz. A great weed strain for social gatherings, Pineapple Express may help relieve symptoms of anxiety, chronic pain, depression, fatigue, and nausea.

Chemmy Jones

A potent, sativa-dominant strain, Chemmy Jones is not for the faint of heart. This In The Flow cult classic produces an uplifting, functional high that sparks focus and creativity, making it the perfect choice for a daytime smoke sesh. Chemmy Jones may help patients find relief from depression, chronic pain, headaches or migraines, and stress.

The Source Team

January 7, 2025

Introducing your AI Budtender: Terpli

Introducing your AI Budtender: Terpli

Technology is an integral part of society. From the world’s earliest days, when tools were made from stone, to today’s more advanced inventions like computers and smartphones, technology is constantly evolving. One of the world’s latest innovations is artificial intelligence or AI.

In simple terms, AI is the science of making machines that can think like humans. It has become popular in many different industries in order to help people with various needs and has now made its way into the cannabis industry with the invention of AI budtenders.

When trying to find the right medical cannabis product for you and your health needs, it can be overwhelming with all the available options; that is why we have budtenders. However, those who prefer to shop online don’t always get the same personalized experience as they would if they had shopped in-store. Enter AI budtenders.

If the idea of an artificial intelligence budtender freaks you out, don’t worry. We aren’t replacing our live, smiling humans with robots or anything like that. With an AI budtender, medical marijuana patients who prefer shopping online can find cannabis products specifically for their needs without taking time out of their day to shop in-store.

The Source Cannabis is excited to be the first dispensary in Arkansas to offer AI budtending with the implementation of Terpli to our online menu. To learn more about the application, I sat down with Terpli co-founder Eric Mercado to discuss how artificial intelligence budtending benefits the cannabis industry. 

Co-founder and CPA for Terpli, Eric Mercado.

What is Terpli?

Terpli is an artificial intelligence budtending software that helps medical patients find the best cannabis products for their needs currently in stock at our dispensary. With the use of this application, customers have the option to shop for their cannabis products based on what type of effects they want to experience and what symptoms they are trying to relieve. Customers can also select the type of product they wish to consume and the level of potency desired; they can even choose specific terpenes they are looking for. 

According to Eric, Terpli takes the terpene and cannabinoid content from the cannabis products' COAs (certificate of analysis), customer reviews from public platforms such as Leafly and iHeartJane, as well as our online menu, and “[marries] them with the underlying chemistry of that product.” With the underlying chemistry and the reported effects, Terpli pulls our live inventory through the point of sale and bases its recommendation on all the information gathered.

Terpli offers a quick quiz for online shoppers to take in order to target cannabis products specifically for their needs.

Through a quiz available to the online shopper on our menu, Terpli has the customer answer questions like, “What kind of effects are you looking for?” “How potent of a product do you want?” “What is your price range?” etc., and then recommends cannabis products currently in stock at our dispensary based on the answers you provided.

Conceptualizing AI: The Intelligence Behind Terpli

The idea behind Terpli came from Eric’s best friend and college roommate, Peter Kasper, founder of Terpli. Peter founded the Marshall Cannabis Institute, the first business of cannabis organization at the University of Southern California (USC). During his time at USC, Peter took a terpene workshop and started learning about the entourage effect and how terpenes and cannabinoids work together to produce particular effects.

Information regarding a cannabis product’s chemical makeup is not readily available to the everyday consumer. Peter went to retailers, who are required to retain the COAs, obtained the terpene and cannabinoid information of the marijuana products he was consuming, and began manually keeping track of how he was affected. Eventually, he built the information he gathered and put it into a predicted analytic, creating the first generation of Terpli.

Initially, Peter's ideology was a recommendation engine that was a mobile app. However, according to Eric, when COVID-19 hit in 2020, many dispensaries went from zero to one hundred for online sales. 

“It was illegal in many states to sell weed online, at least to have your menu available. Now, all of a sudden, because of Covid, it was an essential business. So many of these retailers basically just took whatever they had and turned it on, which de facto was either Dutchie or [iHeart] Jane.”

Eric and Peter looked at what the online menu experience was for the cannabis consumer when using these iframe eCommerce marketplaces and determined, “It kind of sucks.” Eric explained how shopping on these market platforms was like shopping on a “glorified inventory listing with a bunch of made-up names, and customers didn’t have any guidance.”

Eric stated nobody knew what they were consuming as there was no benchmarking or anything to trace, especially in new markets. With Terpli, they wanted to cut through that misinformation.

Benefits of an AI Budtender

Terpli helps find the best product for your body and budget through a quiz available online on our menu

Though many are skeptical about artificial intelligence, AI budtending applications like Terpli benefit the cannabis industry in more ways than one.

Eric spoke about how Terpli allows online customers to have a more personalized, “guided experience” while shopping, just like they would if they had shopped with one of our employees. “It’s the same level of soft touch and personalization that you get from a budtender in a store.”

“Rather than focusing on indica, sativa, [and] hybrid, we’re focused on what experience would you like to have?”

He states, “You can go in, and you can ask it for what product types you’re looking for, what effect you want, so rather than focusing on indica, sativa, [and] hybrid, we’re focused on what experience would you like to have? People use [cannabis] for different reasons, and we want to focus on the underlying ailments that they’re looking to relieve [rather] than just the ‘Hey, I want to get high.’”

At The Source, we strive to educate our patients about how the whole cannabis plant is beneficial to the healing process and not just the THC. By implementing Terpli’s AI budtender software into our online menu, we are able to advise our patients during their online shopping experience.

Terpli also allows us to educate more patients as our friendly AI budtender (who we call Leafy Bud) can assist more than one patient at a time, at any time of day, whereas shopping in-store, we are limited to the number of budtending stations available, and the dispensary’s hours of operations.

The Source Cannabis dispensary's AI budtender, Leafy Bud, is here to help online shoppers navigate our menu

While online consumers navigate through Terpli’s quiz, they have the ability to learn about the specific components in the cannabis plant’s chemistry that may be beneficial to their specific ailments, such as terpenes and other cannabinoids like CBD. Customers are then able to make a more knowledgeable decision when selecting a product off the website as they are provided with recommendations tailored to their needs.

Once patients have shopped initially with Terpli, they can come back and leave reviews, and with that information, our artificial intelligence budtender, Leafy Bud, will be able to “hyper-personalize their future recommendations.” Eric explains, “If I consume a low-THC flower and rate it highly for sleep, the next time I come back, even if it’s out of stock, instead of giving me a random indica, it’s gonna match me to a product that’s chemically the same or similar as a previous experience I’ve already rated highly.”

Terpli’s expansion across the cannabis industry 

Terpli launched its beta version in April 2022 in a small, single-location mom-and-pop cannabis dispensary in Oklahoma. After a few months in beta, the software company began expanding across the country. Today, Terpli is implemented in 100 locations across 13 states, quite a success in just a year’s time.

Eric spoke of the company’s goals and how they would rather have 100 locations nationwide versus 100 locations in one state if and when cannabis becomes legal federally.

“It’s the beauty of 1) selling a software and 2) having a system that’s designed to be leveraged at any state. We have so much information across every state inventory that we’re able to provide recommendations anywhere.”

“It’s about the accessibility of information fueling the model.”

Terpli is constantly pulling live information, unlike other forms of artificial intelligence software such as ChatGPT, where the data available needs to catch up because it's based on statistics from 2021, for example. “It’s about the accessibility of information fueling the model,” he continues.

Though Terpli has grown across the United States, the company remains a small team of six in order to maintain its quality service. Eric explains how the software uses a machine learning model, meaning it “takes a grouping of data sets and has triggers to [say], if this happens, then modify it this way,” allowing the team at Terpli to perform quality analysis and ensure the program is working as it’s supposed to with accurate information.

The Source Cannabis dispensary's AI budtender, Leafy Bud.

Expect to see our newest budtender, Leafy Bud, soon when we launch Terpli on The Source website!

Also, a big thank you to Eric Mercado, co-founder of Terpli, for sitting down with me and sharing Terpli’s story.

About The Source cannabis dispensary in Northwest Arkansas

The Source Cannabis – Arkansas is a craft cannabis dispensary located in Rogers, Arkansas, just off Exit 85 on Interstate 49. We produce and dispense In The Flow Boutique Cannabis and Wavelength Extracts vape cartridges. We value education, quality, friendliness, and inclusivity.

The Source Team

January 7, 2025

Treating PTSD With Cannabis [INFOGRAPHIC]

Treating PTSD With Cannabis [INFOGRAPHIC]

In honor of Memorial Day, The Source celebrates our fallen heroes and veterans with a quick word about cannabis and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

You can find the infographic at the bottom of this post.


For many veterans, the stress of service can have a life-altering negative effect. Historically, PTSD has been prevalent among soldiers and veterans, described in the 20th century as “shell shock,” but recognized in descriptions dating back to the ancient Greeks.

There are many kinds of trauma, but serving one’s country, especially in war, is one of the most dangerous, high-pressure situations a person can endeavor. Add to that the tragedy of lost friends and the difficulty of transitioning from military to civilian life after service, and it’s no wonder that trauma and PTSD can so seriously disrupt veterans’ lives.


But there is some good news for these vets, in the form of our favorite friendly helper, Cannabis! Cannabis has been shown to decrease PTSD symptoms over the course of a year, often so much that the patient no longer met the criteria for diagnosis. This is no surprise for many veterans for whom self-medicating with cannabis has literally been a life-saver.

Of course, there are some strains and terpene profiles that have been shown to be particularly helpful for PTSD, so let’s dive deeper into those!


PTSD often manifests in flashbacks, nightmares, and crippling anxiety. As such, strains that contain a lot of THC (over 20%) should be used sparingly at first, especially if they are Sativa-leaning and high in Pinene, as there is a potential that the high energy these strains provide could turn nervous and anxious.


However, some potent strains, if they are heavy in caryophyllene and limonene terpenes, like Master Yoda, may give benefits in stress and anxiety reduction. Blue Dream is another potent option, bringing a lovely sedation from myrcene and a reduction in anxiety from limonene.

Lower THC, higher CBD strains are also good for PTSD sufferers, especially those who aren’t experienced cannabis users, as they will rule out the potential anxiety of feeling too high. Great options would include Slurricane, Cannatonic, or Trop Fetti.


An additional benefit of any kind of cannabis consumption for PTSD sufferers is that it seems to limit REM sleep, greatly reducing or even stopping any kind of dreaming, including nightmares.


When it comes to consumption methods, flower, edibles, concentrates, and cartridges can all work for PTSD sufferers, and Full Extract Cannabis Oil is a great option for sleep aid and anxiety relief.

Here at The Source, our budtenders are eager to help you find the perfect product to fit your needs.


With the plethora of great options out there, help is on the way. Thanks to cannabis and its ability to heal PTSD symptoms, we can celebrate Memorial Day and Mental Health Awareness knowing that trauma and loss don’t have to control our lives!

PTSD and Cannabis Relief

Want to learn more? Visit or call The Source nearest to you to speak with someone. Our budtenders are well-informed on products to fit your specific needs. Let’s just say, we live for this stuff!

The Source Team

January 7, 2025

Super Sativa: An In-Depth Look at In The Flow’s Chemmy Jones

Super Sativa: An In-Depth Look at In The Flow’s Chemmy Jones

What is Chemmy Jones?

Chemmy Jones is a super sativa cannabis strain, which was made famous by In The Flow, a values-driven, family-owned boutique cannabis cultivator from Boulder, Colorado. With their knowledge and guidance, we have begun growing their strains in Arkansas. We started out growing nine strains, and one of the class favorites is definitely the super sativa Chemmy Jones!

Other growers cultivate Chemmy Jones, however, In The Flow has a particularly good cut of the strain. The growers at In The Flow pride themselves on being observant, and it's this careful attention to detail that makes Chemmy Jones by In The Flow so special compared to other sativa cannabis strains.

With its uplifting, cerebral effects, mellow body high, and high testing terpene and THC percentages, Chemmy Jones is an excellent cannabis strain for medical marijuana patients.

Chemmy Jones Strain Information

With famous ancestors consisting of cannabis strains Oriental Express, East Coast Sour Diesel, and OG Kush, it's no surprise that Chemmy Jones is a very potent sativa with a plethora of health benefits. Hailing from the legendary cannabis strains Chemdawg D and Casey Jones, Chemmy Jones is a sativa-dominant hybrid cannabis strain that produces strong results thanks to its high potency of cannabinoids and terpenes.

The Chemmy Jones marijuana plant announces itself from afar with a distinctive stank as it has the pungent diesel smell of Chemdawg, balanced by Casey Jones' floral notes. Many say the prominent smell of Chemmy Jones is a chemical/diesel fragrance that some liken to the smell of mothballs. Diesel isn't the only aroma, however. Tropical and sweet notes can also be detected to round out this fragrant profile.

The Chemmy Jones plant produces dense, dark green buds with wiry orange hairs and a thick coat of trichomes.

Appearance and Aroma: Chemmy Jones Cosmetics

When it comes to the cannabis plant, Chemmy Jones typically has bright green marijuana leaves, while the buds are dark olive to forest green with a thick white dusting of trichome resin. Wiry orange hairs can be seen throughout its thick, dense flowers.

The Source cannabis dispensary in Rogers, Arkansas grows In The Flow boutique cannabis. Their first harvest of cult classic Chemmy Jones yielded results above 25% THC!

Chemmy Jones Awards

The cannabis plant Chemmy Jones is a cult classic of In The Flow boutique cannabis and has most recently been rated as one of High Times' best weed strains, taking home 3rd place in the Sativa Flower category at the 2022 Colorado Cannabis Cup: People's Choice Edition. In the past, In The Flow's Chemmy Jones strain has received the Overall Champion at the 2017 Connoisseur Cup and the 1st Place Sativa at the 2018 Connoisseur Cup.

A trophy with a snake with marijuana leaves for wings. The trophy is filled with cannabis flower. The graphic is awarding 3rd place sativa flower to In The Flow for Chemmy Jones. The cannabis cup by High Times in Colorado.

Chemmy Jones Effects

Chemmy Jones' hybrid genetics and extensive terpene profile give it the best of both worlds. This sativa-dominant flower delivers an uplifting and functional high, making it an excellent choice for a daytime smoke sesh. It has been shown to help relieve chronic pain and ease anxious thoughts, as well as provide a soothing body high that is accompanied by invigorating energy and productive creativity.

Common descriptions of Chemmy Jones' effects include:

  • Euphoric

  • Joyful

  • Uplifting

  • Energetic

  • Cerebral

Chemmy Jones is an excellent cannabis sativa strain with many potential health benefits in helping treat depression, anxiety, chronic pain, inflammation, and digestive issues. 

Take note that too much Chemmy Jones can cause paranoia, especially for new users. A little bit of Chemmy Jones goes a long way, as it has been shown to produce high concentrations of THC.

Terpenes over THC: Chemmy Jones’ Bouquet of Terps

You know those fantastic smells you love wafting off your cannabis? Those are terpenes. Terpenes are the aromatic oils found in marijuana that give the various cannabis strains their distinctive aromas and flavors. Why does this matter, you may ask? Besides their aromatic qualities, terpenes also have therapeutic properties which help provide medical cannabis patients with many medicinal and healing benefits. Terpenes play with the other plant compounds found in cannabis, enhancing the effects of a cannabis strain through a process known as the Entourage Effect. So the kind of terpenes found in your cannabis is important!

Cannabis terpenes vary from strain to strain, but they can also vary from batch to batch, with where the marijuana plant is grown significantly impacting the terpene profile. For example, the most dominant cannabis terpenes found in the Colorado-grown Chemmy Jones cannabis plant are myrcene, β-caryophyllene, linalool, limonene, and α-pinene. However, our first harvest here at our cannabis dispensary in Arkansas yielded terpene dominance of myrcene,  β-caryophyllene, limonene, humulene, linalool, and the rare terpene, eucalyptol.

An infographic lists the top 6 terpenes in the cannabis strain Chemmy Jones by In The Flow and The Source. The terpenes listed are myrcene, caryophyllene, limonene, humulene, linalool, and eucalyptol.
Our first harvest of Chemmy Jones tested at 3.0% terpenes, making it the cannabis strain with the highest concentration of terpenes that we currently grow at The Source.


Myrcene is the most common terpene produced by cannabis plants, with its aromatic compounds consisting of herbal, musk, cloves, and citrus. Besides various marijuana strains, myrcene can be naturally found in other plants, such as parsley, hops, citrus, mango, bay leaves, lemongrass, and eucalyptus.

Typically known for its “couch-lock” effect, the terpene myrcene is classic to more indica-dominant cannabis strains. Known as the stoner's favorite, myrcene increases our brain's ability to soak up more THC by reducing the resistance of the blood-brain barrier. It is an ideal terpene for treating conditions such as insomnia and chronic pain due to its relaxing and sedative nature. Other therapeutic properties of myrcene include antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, and anti-diabetic.


Caryophyllene is the only terpene known to interact with the endocannabinoid system. It produces a spicy aroma and is commonly found in other plants, such as Thai basil and cloves, as well as cinnamon and black pepper. Fun fact: caryophyllene is a terpene often used in chewing gum recipes.

The terpene caryophyllene is known for various medicinal benefits, including providing tension relief and calming effects. Studies have shown that cannabis strains high in caryophyllene may provide several potential health benefits for many medical issues, such as arthritis, neuropathic pain, gastrointestinal disorders including ulcers, and autoimmune diseases.


Limonene is another prevalent terpene found in cannabis, as well as other plants like rosemary, juniper, and peppermint. It generates a powerful citrus aroma and is the dominant terpene found in citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, and oranges. It is a common ingredient used in cleaning formulas due to its refreshing smell and antibacterial properties. 

Limonene has been found to energize, have mood-altering effects, and help relieve stress. It is an antifungal, and other plants use it as a natural insecticide to ward off predators. The terpene limonene may provide potential health benefits in protecting against cancer and has also been found to boost the immune system, aid in digestion, soothe acid reflux, and help with weight loss.


Humulene is a terpene close in nature to caryophyllene and was previously classified as a-caryophyllene. Like its close relative, the terpene humulene releases an earthy aroma, with other aromatic compounds consisting of wood, herbal hops, and spice. Humulene is commonly found in beer, as well as other plants like ginseng and sage. Like many terpenes, humulene is found to aid in relaxation and tension relief, contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and has shown medicinal properties of being anti-tumor and helping terminate cancer cells.


Linalool is the terpene that gives lavender and chamomile their soothing, floral scents. It is found in other plants like roses and basil and is often used in cleaning products, skincare, and cosmetics due to its antimicrobial properties. The terpene linalool may help ease anxiety with its calming effects and is commonly used in essential oils for these therapeutic qualities. It is known to produce an analgesic effect and sedative effect, help with sleep and seizures, and can act as an anti-inflammatory and antidepressant.


Eucalyptol is a rare terpene found in the marijuana plant and is also found in other plants such as eucalyptus trees, bay leaves, cardamom, tea tree, and sage. It produces a refreshing mint aroma and has a cooling effect. Studies have shown that the terpene eucalyptol has several potential health benefits and may help with sinus infections and chronic pain, as well as decrease blood pressure and improve cognitive function for those with dementia. It is a common ingredient found in many brands of mouthwash and cough suppressants and has been found to help improve breathing issues like asthma and act as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.

There are plenty of reasons why Chemmy Jones is a cult classic

Beyond being a strain that tests above 25% THC, Chemmy Jones is absolutely terptastic. It's got the look, feel, taste, and aroma, and we are happy to call it one of The Source's signature strains. Come in and shop for Chemmy Jones today! The Source is proud to be the only cannabis dispensary in Arkansas to cultivate and sell In The Flow boutique cannabis.

Budtender, Shaun Forrester, holds a jar of Chemmy Jones flower, available exclusively at The Source cannabis dispensary in Rogers, Arkansas.

The Source Team

January 7, 2025

Showing 19 to 24 of 31