Cannabis Rewards Program in Northwest Arkansas

The Source offers the most robust loyalty rewards program. What’s not to love? It’s free!


Here’s how our rewards program works

Earn points for every purchase, redeem them for discounts, and enjoy exclusive perks. Sign up and start saving today!

Enroll in The Source Loyalty

Sign up to start reaping the CannaCoins today. If you are already enrolled, skip to step 2!

Shop Our Menu

Earn CannaCoins for each dollar you spend online and in store.

Earn Bonus Points

Stack extra CannaCoins with bonus points opportunities at happy hours, new product releases, & during vendor spotlights.

Hit the Jackpot

Redeem your CannaCoins for dope products or dollars off of your order with the most robust cannabis loyalty program in Arkansas! Check your loyalty status here!

Earn products and discounts with the CannaCoins that you earn

Earn CannaCoins with every purchase and redeem them for rewards. The more you spend, the more your points are worth. Tip: Bank CannaCoins for when you know you’ll need them or use them for a special splurge purchase!

Shop By Categories

Redeem 100 CannaCoins for $5 Off In The Flow Flower or $3 Off

Use 100 CannaCoins to get $5 off In The Flow flower or enjoy $3 off your cart total (pre-tax). Enjoy flexible redemption options, exclusive discounts, and hassle-free savings at checkout. Stay loyal and reap the benefits of CannaCoins.

Redeem 250 Cannacoins for Signature Gummies or $8 Off

Accumulate 250 CannaCoins and redeem them for one The Source Apothecary Signature Formula 100mg Gummies or enjoy $8 off your cart total (pre-tax). Note that Cannabinoid Rich Formula Gummies are excluded from this offer. Stay loyal to The Source and enjoy exclusive rewards with CannaCoins.

Redeem 250 CannaCoins for NSM Chocolate Little Barks or $8 Off

Accumulate 250 CannaCoins and redeem them for one Natural State Medicinals 80mg Chocolate Little Barks or enjoy $8 off your cart total (pre-tax). Stay loyal to The Source and enjoy exclusive rewards with CannaCoins.

Redeem 250 CannaCoins for Mary's Medicinals Transdermal Patches or $8 Off

Accumulate 250 CannaCoins and redeem them for one Mary's Medicinals Transdermal Patch or enjoy $8 off your cart total (pre-tax). Stay loyal to The Source and enjoy exclusive rewards with CannaCoins.

Shop dank deals & save!

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Redeem 350 CannaCoins for The Source Apothecary Cannabinoid Rich Gummies

Accumulate 350 CannaCoins and redeem them for The Source Apothecary Cannabinoid Rich Gummies. Stay loyal to The Source and enjoy exclusive rewards with CannaCoins.

Redeem 500 CannaCoins for $17.50 Off

Accumulate 500 CannaCoins and redeem them for $17.50 off your cart total (pre-tax). Stay loyal to The Source and enjoy exclusive rewards with CannaCoins.  

Redeem 600 CannaCoins for $35 Off In The Flow Flower

Accumulate 600 CannaCoins and redeem them for $35 Off In The Flow Flower. Stay loyal to The Source and enjoy exclusive rewards with CannaCoins.  

Redeem 600 CannaCoins for River Valley Relief ArkanRAW

Accumulate 600 CannaCoins and redeem them for one River Valley Relief 1g ArkanRAW. Stay loyal to The Source and enjoy exclusive rewards with CannaCoins.  

Redeem 750 CannaCoins for $30 Off

Accumulate 750 CannaCoins and redeem them for $30 off your cart total (pre-tax). Stay loyal to The Source and enjoy exclusive rewards with CannaCoins.

Trending Brands

Redeem 800 CannaCoins for The Source Apothecary Vape Carts

Accumulate 800 CannaCoins and redeem them for one The Source Apothecary 1g Distillate Vape Cart or Full Spectrum Vape Cart. Stay loyal to The Source and enjoy exclusive rewards with CannaCoins.  

Redeem 1000 CannaCoins for $50 Off

Accumulate 1000 CannaCoins and redeem them for $50 off your cart total (pre-tax). Stay loyal to The Source and enjoy exclusive rewards with CannaCoins.

Redeem 2000 CannaCoins for $150 Off In The Flow Flower or $125 Off

Accumulate 2000 CannaCoins and redeem them for $150 off In The Flow flower or $125 off your cart total (pre-tax). Stay loyal to The Source and enjoy exclusive rewards with CannaCoins.

When you spend more, you level up to silver, gold, & diamond tier membership levels

The more you spend, the more you earn!


The Source Compassionate Care Fixed Discounts

- 10% off for Seniors (65 & older)

- 10% off for Pediatric Patients (allocated to qualified caregiver)

- 10% off for Veterans

- 20% off for First Time Customers

Not a loyalty member? Click the link below to sign-up!

Register for The Source Loyalty

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did we update The Source loyalty program?

This is a loyalty program designed for cannabis patients by cannabis patients. We created the most dynamic, robust cannabis loyalty program in Arkansas, because that’s exactly what we would want as consumers. Plus, we want to let our patients know that we are constantly working to serve y’all better! We are grateful for your loyalty.

How do I sign up?

Click here to sign up or sign up directly when you download our app. You must use your phone number to sign up, so that we can locate your profile in our system & track your purchase history. However, we do not engage in SMS marketing, so we won’t be blowing up your phone.

Do I need to sign up if I was a member of the older rewards program already?

No, you are automatically enrolled if you were previously signed up in The Source Rewards program. Your new membership status became active on November 22, 2023.

How do you become silver, gold, or diamond?

Membership levels are based on spend levels (see chart above). You gain gold status after spending $1,000 in a calendar year. You move to gold after $2,500, then you achieve diamond status after spending $5,000 in a calendar year.

Will I start over in 2024?

No, you will maintain the same membership status in 2024 that you earned in 2023. 

For example, if you earned gold in 2023, you will start off at that level again in 2024. 

In order to keep that same gold status in 2025, you must hit the $2,500 spend level by the end of 2024.

Do silver, gold, and diamond members earn points differently?

Yes! For each dollar spent…

  • Regular members earn 1 point Silver members earn 1.25 points
  • Gold members earn 1.5 points
  • Diamond members earn 2 points

As you spend more, you will graduate to a higher membership level.

Are CannaCoins the same as points?

Yes! In our loyalty program, we fondly refer to points as “CannaCoins,” which means the same thing, but sounds more fun!

Why should I download the app?

The app is the most user-friendly way to keep up with your loyalty membership status & to see how many CannaCoins you have. On the homepage of the app you will see your membership level presented as a “badge.” You can also check your “order history,” which will let you know how much you’ve spent & on what products.

Will my CannaCoins roll over to next year?

Yes! All loyalty members in every tier enjoy the benefit of never-expiring CannaCoins.

When do bonus birthday CannaCoins land in my wallet?

At the beginning of your birthday month, silver, gold, and diamond tier members will get a little gift from us. This started in November of 2023, so if your birthday is in November, you should see those bonus CannaCoins in your wallet!

  • Silver Tier members get 50 CannaCoins
  • Gold Tier members get 100 CannaCoins
  • Diamond Tier members get 150 CannaCoins
When will Diamond Tier holiday gifts be issued?

Beginning on January 15, 2024 all Diamond Tier members from 2023 will be able to pick up their limited-edition year-end gift!

How do I get entered into the monthly raffle?

Silver, gold, & diamond tier members are automatically entered into a raffle at the end of each month. Within each membership group, there will be a monthly winner. The winner will be contacted directly by The Source management team.

How do I collect bonus points during Happy Hours?

Earn 2 CannaCoins when you make a purchase during the following weekly happy hours:

Sunday - Tuesday 9 - 10 am

What should I do if I’m having trouble & I don’t find the answer to my problem in the FAQs

Get in touch with us immediately by email at & we will help solve your problem as soon as possible. If you are in the store, ask to speak to a manager & they can find your profile in the system to troubleshoot the issue. We are here to help, so please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Still need help?

Click on the blue round button at the bottom right corner of this page. You can also email our support team at